Portrait of

Ingeborg Bachmann


Charlotte Casiraghi, Vicky Krieps and Cécile Ladjali

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For the ninth edition of the Rendez-vous littéraires rue Cambon [Literary Rendezvous at Rue Cambon] dedicated to the poetess, writer and philosopher Ingeborg Bachmann, the House of CHANEL and ambassador and spokesperson for the House Charlotte Casiraghi invited actress and friend of the House Vicky Krieps and writer Cécile Ladjali.

Animated by literary historian Fanny Arama, this conversation about the life and work of the Austrian poetess evokes her way of questioning language and her determination to grasp the truth. Together, they also mention the film “Journey into the Desert” directed by Margarethe von Trotta, about the tormented relationship between Ingeborg Bachmann and writer Max Frisch. Vicky Krieps plays the leading role in the film.

Ingeborg Bachmann

Ingeborg Bachmann was born in Klagenfurt in 1926. Her volumes of lyric poetry Borrowed Time and Invocation of the Great Bear, published in the early 1950s, were at once acclaimed by the critics. She received numerous prestigious literary awards. She is considered one of the most important German language poets and writers of the 20th century. She lived in Munich, Berlin and Zürich and finally in Rome, where she died in 1973.

Ingeborg Bachmann, poems from Darkness Spoken: The Collected Poems, translated by Peter Filkins. Copyright © 1978, 2000 by Piper Verlag GmbH, München. Translation copyright © 2006 by Peter Filkins. Used with the permission of The Permissions Company, LLC on behalf of Zephyr Press. All rights reserved.

Cécile Ladjali

Of Iranian origin, Cécile Ladjali is a writer, a professor of literature, a Doctor of Letters and lives in Paris. Author of fifteen novels published by Actes Sud, she is also an essayist and playwright. Her novel Illettré (Actes Sud) was brought to the screen by Jean-Pierre Améris in 2018. Her essay, Mauvaise langue (Seuil) received the Prix Femina in 2007.
She teaches high school students with hearing impairment, autism, and language disorders. She is also in charge of the "Baudelaire Program" at the Robert de Sorbon Foundation, an interdisciplinary program advocating "elitism for all", and taught by teachers who are also artists. She regularly collaborates with the magazine Lire/Nouveau magazine littéraire to write columns.

Cécile Ladjali, Illettré, © Actes sud, 2018.
Cécile Ladjali, Mauvaise Langue, © Seuil, 2007.
© Prix Femina. All rights reserved.
© Robert de Sorbon Foundation.
© Lire Magazine Littéraire.

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Ingeborg Bachmann, an insubordinate woman

Ingeborg Bachmann was born in Klagenfurt, Carinthia, in 1926, on the Austrian border with Yugoslavia and Italy. In the 1930s, the German occupation and the trauma it inflicted predisposed the young Bachmann to develop a spirit of rebellion and resistance. In many respects, the writer soon became the embodiment of opposition, of the courage to say no: “No! No! Non! Non! Nyet! Nyet! No! Ném! Ném! Nein! For even in our language all I can say is no, I can’t find any other word in any language.”
With great inventiveness and wit, Bachmann endeavoured in her work to approach human relationships differently, to condemn the ignominious behaviour of those who crush the soul, and to believe in brighter tomorrows when the Other might no longer represent a threat, but an opportunity.

Describing the living, duty of the living

The Letters to Felician, written between May 1945 and 1946, are addressed to an imaginary person – a lover, a brother, an alter ego, a double – to whom she voices her uncertainties, her joys, her expectations. Reading these letters reveals a passionate young woman, beset by profound feelings of loneliness, and confronting premonitions of an exceptional destiny. From her earliest childhood, Ingeborg Bachmann’s elegance had been based on her sense of responsibility. She was one of those ill-fated people who never manage to shake off their sense of duty :

“I wonder a thousand times every hour
Where this awareness of a burden comes from,
Dull pain, always deep.”

In the autumn of 1945, at the age of nineteen, she left Carinthia to begin her studies in philosophy, which she completed five years later, having earned her PhD. It must have taken a great deal of courage for a young woman traumatised by the war and its atrocities to go on believing in life and beauty, to decide to dedicate herself exclusively to the pursuit of truth in her writing! In Bachmann’s opinion, truth was essentially rooted in experience. Only the experience of war, of fear, of love, of writing, could form the foundations of anything new. All thought came from the university of life. She discovered devastated Vienna and its cafés, fell in love with that city, so bleak, yet so full of promise. From 1947, she was involved in the legendary circle that formed around Hans Werner Richter, Group 47, which met at the Cafe Raimund. She began by publishing poems and short stories with the help of this intellectual and artistic group which she revitalised with her passion for the absolute and her precocious lucidity. In 1948, she met Paul Celan, a Romanian poet with whom she carried on an impossible yet vitally important love affair for the next twenty years. This was documented by their correspondence, Heart’s Time, in which their exchange of missives between Vienna and Paris (where Celan had made his home), are full of missed opportunities and the difficulty of finding common ground. In 1953, Bachmann stopped the radio work which paid her a living wage and travelled to Italy. She had just been awarded her first literary prize for her poetry collection, Borrowed Time, which persuaded her to focus exclusively on literature from then on.

Under Foreign Skies

She travelled to Ischia, then Rome, where she would end up strolling along the banks of the Tiber in search of a new direction. After war-ravaged Vienna, she saw Rome as a shabby, faded city marked by growing social inequality. In 1955, she spent a semester at Harvard University in the USA, travelled to Paris, then back to Vienna and even Klagenfurt to visit her parents. She returned to Rome, then Naples, Venice, Paris again, then Rome again, always Rome, where she would have liked to remain. Wandering, the act of travelling without the possibility of return, was an integral part of Ingeborg Bachmann’s life and work. Eventually, she found herself forced to work for the Bavarian radio in Munich. In May 1958, she wrote the radio play The Good God of Manhattan and unknowingly brought about the meeting that was to change the course of her life.
Max Frisch, the German language Swiss writer, heard her radio play and wrote to her expressing his admiration. For five years, travelling between Rome, Zurich and Berlin, they lived every day as if it might be their last, throwing themselves into a turbulent love affair, full of break-ups, reconciliations, and frequent estrangements when their desire to be together conflicted with their irreconcilable lives as artists. Finally, in 1962, overwrought and at breaking point, they split up for good. In his biography about her, Hans Höller wrote that this devastated Ingeborg Bachmann. Some of Max Frisch’s novels openly talked about their relationship and led Bachmann to say later that she might consider making up with wolves but not with men.

Love, the Assassin

From the late 1950s, the theme of love became inseparable from that of the barriers to communication between men and women, and that of the fatal domination people inevitably exert over each other. Franza, Malina, Requiem for Fanny Goldmann are all novels that describe women in pieces, incapable of experiencing love other than through the lens of passion, oppression or loss. Their heroines are women who know just how attractive they are. Alone, or living in unconventional coupledom, they continually waver between melodramatic existential seriousness and caustic self-mockery. Each of these women is obsessed by love and its deepest lows: “what’s he going to do once he’s finished biting my shoulder.”
The verdict is clear: no one recovers from love. People are badly burned and ravaged by love. It represents their dark side. Love is a murderer tolerated by society and sought by the mesmerised victim – one of love’s mysteries. The war, in fact, has never ended, it continues in the private sphere because “There are words, looks that can kill, no one notices, everybody is clinging to a facade, a complete distortion”. With extraordinary insight, Ingeborg Bachmann describes the internal upheavals, the cracks regarded as laughable, the people paralysed by an overall lack of tact and smug off-handedness.
Bachmann admits to living excessively. We take her word for it. A strong, uncompromising woman in defeat as in victory, it is clear from her books how hard it was for her to be one of the builders and rebuilders of the 20th century. Like Simone de Beauvoir – whom she admired greatly – she was one of those women who decided to tackle age-old acts of violence head on, in order to prevent other people’s lives from being an ordeal. Describing anguish, failure, loneliness as an ode to life, to love, was a way of renewing her faith in others and her respect for human relationships.

The future book

Throughout her life, Ingeborg Bachmann pursued the idea of the future book, the one that might somehow fulfil her. The one that would satisfy her need for recognition, that would forever unite estranged lovers or that would honour the unique bond :

“If you really want I will write a book for you which doesn’t yet exist. But you have to really want it, want it from me, and I’ll never demand that you read it. Ivan says :
Let’s hope it’ll be a book with a happy ending.
Let’s hope so”

In acceptance speeches (Georg Büchner Prize in 1964, Anton Wildgans Prize in 1972) and in theoretical essays (Frankfurt Lectures), Bachmann explores a utopian language, a language that crosses the boundaries of the norm, combining registers and genres, attentive to the human element in all its depth and impenetrability. She never gave up this quest for the ideal book which might finally speak the truth about being and the I, that could contain the I as well as the other. The remarkable modernity of her language probably comes from the fact that she viewed it – like any human relationship – as both a blessing and a punishment, as a promise and a threat.

Fanny Arama

Ingeborg Bachmann: Werke, Band I
© 1978 Piper Verlag GmbH, München

Ingeborg Bachmann, Malina, Translated by Philip Boehm, Penguin Books, 2019.

Excerpt from MALINA, by Ingeborg Bachmann, Translated by Philip Boehm, from MALINA, copyright © 1971 by Suhrkamp Verlag. Translation copyright 2019 by Philip Boehm. Reprinted by permission of New Directions Publishing Corp.

Ingeborg Bachmann, The Book of Franza & Requiem for Fanny Goldman, English translation copyright © 1999 by Hydra Books/Northwestern University Press. Published 1999. All rights reserved.

Ingeborg Bachmann, Letters to Felician, © Green Integer, 2004.

Hans Höller, Ingeborg Bachmann, traduction de Miguel Couffon
© 1999 by Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag GmbH, Reinbek bei Hamburg
© Actes Sud, 2006, pour l’édition française
(Translation of the quote by CHANEL)

© Cafe Raimund. All rights reserved.

Ingeborg Bachmann and Paul Celan, Correspondence, Translated by Wieland Hoban, Seagull Books London, 2010.

Ingeborg Bachmann, poems from Darkness Spoken: The Collected Poems, translated by Peter Filkins. Copyright © 1978, 2000 by Piper Verlag GmbH, München. Translation copyright © 2006 by Peter Filkins. Used with the permission of The Permissions Company, LLC on behalf of Zephyr Press. All rights reserved.

Ingeborg Bachmann, Three Radio Plays: A Deal in Dreams; The Cicadas; The Good God of Manhattan, Translated by Lilian Friedberg, © Ariadne Press, Riverside, California 1999. All rights reserved.

© Georg Büchner Prize.

© Anton Wildgans Prize.

Ingeborg Bachmann, The Critical Writings of Ingeborg Bachmann (Kritische Schriften), Translated by Karen R Achberger and Karl Ivan Solibakke © Boydell & Brewer Ltd, 2021.


Ingeborg Bachmann: Werke, Band I

© 1978 Piper Verlag GmbH, München

Margarethe von Trotta, Ingeborg Bachmann - Journey into the Desert (Reise in die Wüste),

© 2023 - tellfilm GmbH / AMOUR FOU Vienna GmbH / HEIMATFILM GMBH + Co KG / AMOUR FOU Luxembourg sàrl

Cécile Ladjali, Ordalie,

© Actes sud, 2009.

Poèmes d’Ingeborg Bachmann tirés du recueil
Toute personne qui tombe a des ailes (Poèmes 1942-1967) :
« Profession de foi »
« Le jeu est fini »
« La Bohême est au bord de la mer »
« Ce qui est vrai »
« Invocation de la Grande Ourse »
« Le temps en sursis »
Traduction française de Françoise Rétif

© Éditions Gallimard (2015 pour la trad. française)

Ingeborg Bachmann, Œuvres, traduction de Claude Couffon

© ACTES SUD, 2009
Photographie de couverture : © Katerina Belkina, avec l’aimable autorisation de la galerie RTR.

Cécile Ladjali, La nuit est mon jour préféré,

© Actes sud, 2023.

© Thomas Bernard.

Ingeborg Bachmann, poems from Darkness Spoken: The Collected Poems, translated by Peter Filkins.

Copyright © 1978, 2000 by Piper Verlag GmbH, München. Translation copyright © 2006 by Peter Filkins. Used with the permission of The Permissions Company, LLC on behalf of Zephyr Press. All rights reserved.

© Spiegel.


Ingeborg Bachmann, Le Bon Dieu de Manhattan, traduction de Christine Kubler,

© Actes Sud, 1990.

Ingeborg Bachmann, Three Radio Plays: A Deal in Dreams; The Cicadas; The Good God of Manhattan, Translated by Lilian Friedberg,

© Ariadne Press, Riverside, California 1999. All rights reserved.

Ingeborg Bachmann, The Critical Writings of Ingeborg Bachmann (Kritische Schriften), Translated by Karen R Achberger and Karl Ivan Solibakke

© Boydell & Brewer Ltd, 2021.

Theodor W. Adorno, Prismes: Critique de la culture et société, traduit de l’allemand par Geneviève et Rainer Rochlitz,

© Editions Payot, 1986, pour la traduction française. © Éditions Payot & Rivages, 2010 pour l’édition de poche.

Theodor W. Adorno, Prisms, essays in cultural criticism and society,

© The MIT Press, 1982.

Ingeborg Bachmann, Le Temps du cœur, Paul Celan

© Éditions du Seuil, 2011 pour la traduction française.

Ingeborg Bachmann and Paul Celan, Correspondence, Translated by Wieland Hoban,

Seagull Books London, 2010.

Ingeborg Bachmann, Malina, « Cadre vert »,

© Éditions du Seuil, 1973, pour la traduction française.

Ingeborg Bachmann, Malina, Translated by Philip Boehm,

Penguin Books, 2019.

Excerpt from MALINA, by Ingeborg Bachmann,Translated by Philip Boehm, from MALINA, copyright

© 1971 by Suhrkamp Verlag. Translation copyright 2019 by Philip Boehm.
Reprinted by permission of New Directions Publishing Corp.

Pierre Choderlos de Laclos, Dangerous Liaisons, Translated by Helen Constantine,

Penguin Books, 2011.

Arthur Rimbaud, The Drunken Boat, Translated by Mark Polizzotti,

© New York Review Books, 2022. All rights reserved.

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